The Northwest Arts Connection’s Public Art Programme merges the community and public art. We seek to engage the neighborhoods and communities in which the public art will appear so that every stakeholder can feel responsible for enriching their community while taking ownership of the art that enters their public space. The more skin in the game, the better!
Our Public Art Programme projects focus on meaningful art. Artworks can be anything from permanent art in the form of murals or sculptures to semi-permanent art installations. The aim is to have an ongoing dialogue among stakeholders (communities, artists, sponsoring businesses, etc.). Our 2018 projects will include installing 4 murals in the June through October time period.
The Northwest Arts Connection’s Public Art Programme merges the community and public art. We seek to engage the neighborhoods and communities in which the public art will appear so that every stakeholder can feel responsible for enriching their community while taking ownership of the art that enters their public space. The more skin in the game, the better!
Our Public Art Programme projects focus on meaningful art. Artworks can be anything from permanent art in the form of murals or sculptures to semi-permanent art installations. The aim is to have an ongoing dialogue among stakeholders (communities, artists, sponsoring businesses, etc.). Our 2018 projects will include installing 4 murals in the June through October time period.
I personally want to thank all of you for your support of young artists and your hard work in pulling this show together. It really does mean a lot to the students and their parents. Schools need the support of these outside organizations and the feedback was just great from both parents and students. I cannot thank you enough and I appreciate your time spent at the show with the parents and especially the students. God bless your efforts and you continue this work.
Linda Galek, Luther North College Prep
I take seriously the art making, as an artist I think is the best way to express our inner soul in a beautiful way. Thank you guys to help promote the arts between our youth, they need it.
Ulises Rivero, Aspira Early College
Around The Corner has literally been a life-changing experience for me. It provided me with a taste of what it’s really like to be a professional artist showing in a gallery setting. It also introduced me to many important people, even some who became mentors to me.
Amanda Jablonka, student artist
Thanks again for including UpBeat and our students at Around the Corner 2016. It was a great opportunity for students to perform and get more connected with the local music and arts community.
Scott Barbeau, Upbeat Music & Arts
I’ve had a lot of people literally laugh in my face when I mention I’m trying to do art professionally and I’m going to art school. The first Around the Corner show was really emotional for me because I had multiple people come up to me and give me support. Although I receive support from close friends and family, the positive feedback I received that day felt especially special. They’re good people there, and I appreciate them a lot.
Mialis Mercado, student
It was a wonderful event. Very nice to see all the students stand proudly by their work displayed in such a lovely space.
Keith Pollok, Steinmetz H.S. After School Matters
Thank you for your investment in our students and our community... All of us at Lydia Urban Academy are so grateful to for the opportunity we had to participate in Around the Corner 2015. Our students were treated with such respect and encouraged to grow as individuals and artists. To have such positive interactions with adults in the community is priceless. Thank you for continuing to include us in this wonderful experience as you begin planning the second annual event.
Karen Anderson, Lydia Urban Academy
Tuesday, August 8th, was a beautiful summer
Imagine the City without public art. No Picasso st